Empower your HR team to improve employee engagement

understand and improve employee engagementm meanwhile, learn what is important to your employees and how we can support your teams in their future careers

Building a better business begins with your people

Motivated, happy employees work more productively and produce higher revenues. when employees feel they in healthy environment, this improves their engagement and job satisfaction.

360-degree team feedback to develop your people.

In a new world of work, organizations need the right tools to develop talent at every level. 360-degree fveedback can help you identify and develop the skills your people need to be successful.

Measure employee satisfaction in a smart way

With geptix you measure quickly and easily, more than just satisfaction, but the experience of happiness during work.

Understand employee opinions on workplace culture

Employee opinions are defined as how much an employee is committed to helping their organization achieve its goals. It’s demonstrated by how employees think, feel, and act, as well as the emotional connection employees feel towards their employer.

A continuous survey and employee happiness platform

Educational institutions need to excel at several levels in order to gain and retain distinctions: excellent learning experiences, a healthy campus climate, excellent teachers and students, creative courses and services, and dedicated



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