Region, plus a lot more

Get precise results by selecting audiences across the world

Collect data at the speed you need to move

Trust the Geptex audience to put together your survey panel, then get the responses you need in minutes - not months

Get an estimate

Relevant audience for precise results

Effortlessly find your right respondents for market research with geptix audience

your audience

Incorporate screening questions in your survey so that you reach the right audience or pick the demographics that matter to you:

  • Scope of age
  • Gender
  • Job respnsibilities
  • Region, plus a lot more

your survey

Create and validate your survey on the simple-to-use geptix platform. get key market insights for:

  • DIY market research
  • Product development
  • Brand tracking
  • Consumer behavior

your results

With our advanced analytics, slice and dice data and share results conveniently. take action for your company with:

  • Real-time results
  • Text analysis
  • Filters and cross-tabbing
  • Exports to sPSS and more

Reach your target audience now

Data quality you can trust

Choose respondents from our exclusive panel or tap into panels with the highest expectations from our collaborators.

When hiring and periodically calibrating our panels, we use bot and fraud identification to ensure consistency of our response quality.

We ensure the quality of our data so that you can be confident that you get the results you have requested.

Target whom you want

tap into an audience of 80 million+ users using more than 50 attributes in 100+ countries. our profile of respondents is frequently updated, so it is always up to date.

Access or select more versatile targeting in a representative sample with demographic balancing.

Use custom screening questions to target individuals in niche markets that make you go beyond our pre-profiled attributes.

Quick, simple, and on demand

Whether you are an occasional researcher or a seasoned insider, the intuitive yet powerful solutions will lead you through the survey process.

Get insights anytime, anywhere with always-on market research tools, available 24/7.

Quick turnaround with additional express distribution solutions will help you finish your project in minutes vs. months.

Get answers for a cost starting at only $ 1 uSD per response

Control your research budget by understanding what impacts your survey costs. with geptix audience, you can purchase credits that can be saved and used as necessary so that you can start research anytime you want.

Factors which will impact the cost of your audience

Scale of audience

How many completed survey responses are required?

Size of survey

The number of questions you pose in your survey.

Criteria for targeting

Attributes, balance, and rating. .



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