Build customer experiences that drive to meaningful impact.

VoC programs helps you predict and prevent customers from leaving by understanding key drivers and patterns in their behavior, giving you the chance to meet and exceed their needs.

Would you like to know What your customers think about you

We understand that customer satisfaction rests at the heart of every successful business. with that in mind, ourmission is to help you see into the minds of your customers and gain a deeper understanding of whether or notyou are meeting their expectations.

Contact sales
  • Listen

    Meet customers where they are Collect in-the-moment feedback across all channels.

  • Understand

    Discover insights and share them widely Quickly spot trends and share insights with your teams.

  • Act

    Drive action to improve the customer experience Close the loop on critical feedback as it happens

The net promoter score (NPS)

While brand awareness, customer experience and brand loyalty are significantly invaluable for any business,loyalty is the only guaranteeing factor that assures your customers will return to your brand in the future.

With Net Promoter Score surveys
With Net Promoter Score surveys, you will be able to measure and improve the loyalty of your customers.

Geptix goes deeper than a score !

With the NPS follow-up questions, we enable you to understand the reasons behind your customers' ratings. This will help you identify your brand's core strengths and competencies and what issues must be addressed.

Promoters (4123)

$ 1.6M

Potential New Revenue

Based on the likelihood of your promoters giving word-of-mouth recommendations

Promoters2 (4123)

$ 558K

Potential New Revenue2

Based on the likelihood of your promoters giving word-of-mouth recommendations2.

Promoters3 (4123)

$ 1.43M

Potential New Revenue3

Based on the likelihood of your promoters giving word-of-mouth recommendations3.

Improving your NPS score

based on your customers feedback can help you turn passive and detractor customers into promoters and increase customer loyalty and revenue growth.

Sentiment analysis

Our NPS analytics solution uses sentiment analysis

With our advanced algorithms that use machine learning, we can automatically sort the nPS responses and tag them for you, using consistent criteria.

Turn your survey results into action

GEPTIX allows you to collect the survey responses and turn them into insightful dashboards, reports and statistics that draw a clear path to show how your brand should proceed.


Geoanalysis Report

We also offer the survey owner with Geoanalysis report, a unique feature in our platform to enable them visualize the survey responses based on geographical area/districts/locations.



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